Sunday, 3 June 2012

Damian and Claires Wedding Cake

Hi Everyone,

This is the cake and flowers i made for my sons wedding last Friday. we had a fantastic day everything was wonderful! a day we enjoyed was overwhelmed by and was a very very proud Mum and Dad.
The theme was purple and butterflies . Boy have I made a few about 25 on here and at least 140 for the favours,another 140 fr the onvites 140 for the order of the day booklets and some to fly in the tulle and on the wall decorations think I'm butterflied out so don't think i'll be doing any more for a while!


  1. Sue, this is absolutely beautiful! I'm so happy for you that it all turned out so worked so hard on everything. See you in chat

  2. What a gorgeous cake! I know what you mean about butterflied out. You did a lot of them. And you did a whole lot of work on this wedding. I am sure the happy couple really appreciated all your work. And I'm glad it went so well. Many pats on the back to you for all your hard work!
